The Quran in Tafsir_English - Surah Falaq translated into Tafsir_English, Surah Al-Falaq in Tafsir_English. We provide accurate translation of Surah Falaq in Tafsir_English - الإنجليزية تفسير, Verses 5 - Surah Number 113 - Page 604.
قُلْ أَعُوذُ بِرَبِّ الْفَلَقِ (1) Say: "I commit myself to Allah the Creator of the dawn and the incipient gleam |
مِن شَرِّ مَا خَلَقَ (2) Counter to the evil generated by the spiritual, the animate and the inanimate among those created by Him, the Supreme |
وَمِن شَرِّ غَاسِقٍ إِذَا وَقَبَ (3) And counter to an evil process evolving under the umbrella of the night" or "to a heavenly body " if it happens to explode within or beyond one’s sight |
وَمِن شَرِّ النَّفَّاثَاتِ فِي الْعُقَدِ (4) And counter to the evil generated by the witches who stand in the way of concord and blow over entangled knots to fan the flow of discord |
وَمِن شَرِّ حَاسِدٍ إِذَا حَسَدَ (5) And counter to the evil generated by the envious when he feels envy at the superior advantages of others |