Quran with English translation - Surah As-saffat ayat 165 - الصَّافَات - Page - Juz 23
﴿وَإِنَّا لَنَحۡنُ ٱلصَّآفُّونَ ﴾
[الصَّافَات: 165]
﴿وإنا لنحن الصافون﴾ [الصَّافَات: 165]
Al Bilal Muhammad Et Al “And indeed we are arranged in ranks |
Ali Bakhtiari Nejad and we are certainly those lined up in rows |
Ali Quli Qarai It is we who are the ranged ones |
Ali Unal And surely we are those ranged in ranks (ever-expecting God’s commands) |
Hamid S Aziz Verily, we, even we, are they who draw out in ranks |
John Medows Rodwell And we range ourselves in order |
Literal And that We, We are (E) the liners/arrangers |
Mir Anees Original and we are certainly those set in ranks |
Mir Aneesuddin and we are certainly those set in ranks |