Quran with British translation - Surah Al-hajj ayat 33 - الحج - Page - Juz 17
﴿لَكُمۡ فِيهَا مَنَٰفِعُ إِلَىٰٓ أَجَلٖ مُّسَمّٗى ثُمَّ مَحِلُّهَآ إِلَى ٱلۡبَيۡتِ ٱلۡعَتِيقِ ﴾
[الحج: 33]
﴿لكم فيها منافع إلى أجل مسمى ثم محلها إلى البيت العتيق﴾ [الحج: 33]
Mohammad Habib Shakir You have advantages in them till a fixed time, then their place of sacrifice is the Ancient House |
Mohammad Shafi You have benefits in them (cattle brought for sacrifice during the Hajj) for a time, and then their destination is the Ancient House |
Mohammed Marmaduke William Pickthall Therein are benefits for you for an appointed term; and afterward they are brought for sacrifice unto the ancient House |
Mufti Taqi Usmani And for you there are benefits in them (the cattle) up to a specified time. Then their place of sacrifice is by the Ancient House |
Muhammad Asad In that [God-consciousness] you shall find benefits until a term set [by Him is fulfilled], and [you shall know that] its goal and end is the Most Ancient Temple |
Muhammad Mahmoud Ghali Therein are benefits for you to a stated term; thereafter their lawful destination (i.e., for sacrifice) is by the Ancient House |
Muhammad Sarwar There are benefits for you in the (sacrificial offerings) of God until the appointed time when you slaughter them as your offering near the Ancient House |
Muhammad Taqi Usmani And for you there are benefits in them (the cattle) up to a specified time. Then their place of sacrifice is by the Ancient House |
Mustafa Khattab Allah Edition You may benefit from sacrificial animals for an appointed term, then their place of sacrifice is at the Ancient House |
Mustafa Khattab God Edition You may benefit from sacrificial animals for an appointed term, then their place of sacrifice is at the Ancient House |
N J Dawood They are beneficial to you until a time decreed, then their place of sacrifice is by the Ancient House |
Safi Kaskas You have benefits in these animals marked for sacrifice for a specified time; then, their place of sacrifice is at the Ancient House |