Quran with English translation - Surah Ar-Rum ayat 13 - الرُّوم - Page - Juz 21
﴿وَلَمۡ يَكُن لَّهُم مِّن شُرَكَآئِهِمۡ شُفَعَٰٓؤُاْ وَكَانُواْ بِشُرَكَآئِهِمۡ كَٰفِرِينَ ﴾
[الرُّوم: 13]
﴿ولم يكن لهم من شركائهم شفعاء وكانوا بشركائهم كافرين﴾ [الرُّوم: 13]
Al Bilal Muhammad Et Al No intercessor will they have among their partners, and they will themselves reject their partners |
Ali Bakhtiari Nejad And there would not be any mediator for them among their partners (of God), and they become disbelievers in their partners |
Ali Quli Qarai None of those whom they ascribed as partners [to Allah] will intercede for them, and they will disavow their partners |
Ali Unal They will have no intercessors in the beings whom they associate (as partners with God), and they will no longer believe in their being partners with God |
Hamid S Aziz And they shall not have any intercessors from among their gods they have joined with Allah, and they shall be deniers of their associate-gods |
John Medows Rodwell And they shall have no intercessors from among the gods whom they have joined with God, and they shall deny the gods they joined with Him |
Literal And (there) were not for them from their partners (with God) mediators, and they were with their partners (with God) disbelievers |
Mir Anees Original And there will be no mediators for them from among their (presumed) partners (of Allah), and they will reject their (presumed) partners (of Allah) |
Mir Aneesuddin And there will be no mediators for them from among their (presumed) partners (of God), and they will reject their (presumed) partners (of God) |