Quran with English_Arabic translation - Surah Ta-Ha ayat 84 - طه - Page - Juz 16
﴿قَالَ هُمۡ أُوْلَآءِ عَلَىٰٓ أَثَرِي وَعَجِلۡتُ إِلَيۡكَ رَبِّ لِتَرۡضَىٰ ﴾
[طه: 84]
﴿قال هم أولاء على أثري وعجلت إليك رب لترضى﴾ [طه: 84]
Shabbir Ahmed Moses answered, "They are doing fine following my footsteps. I have rushed to You my Lord, so that You may be well-pleased with me |
Syed Vickar Ahamed He replied; "They are close on my footsteps: And I hurried to You, O my Lord, that You may be pleased |
Talal A Itani New Translation He said, 'They are following in my footsteps; and I hurried on to You, my Lord, that you may be pleased |
Talal Itani He said, “They are following in my footsteps; and I hurried on to You, my Lord, that you may be pleased.” |
Tbirving He said: "They were close upon my tracks, while I have hastened to You, my Lord, so You may feel pleased |
The Monotheist Group Edition He said: "They are coming in my tracks, and I came quickly to you my Lord so you would be pleased |
The Monotheist Group Edition He said: "They are coming in my tracks, and I came quickly to you my Lord so you would be pleased |
The Study Quran He said, “They are close upon my footsteps, and I hastened unto Thee, my Lord, that Thou mayest be content.” |
Umm Muhammad He said, "They are close upon my tracks, and I hastened to You, my Lord, that You be pleased |
Wahiduddin Khan He said, "They are following in my footsteps, while I have hastened to You, my Lord, to please You |
Yusuf Ali Orig He replied: "Behold, they are close on my footsteps: I hastened to thee, O my Lord, to please thee |