Quran with British translation - Surah An-Naml ayat 34 - النَّمل - Page - Juz 19
﴿قَالَتۡ إِنَّ ٱلۡمُلُوكَ إِذَا دَخَلُواْ قَرۡيَةً أَفۡسَدُوهَا وَجَعَلُوٓاْ أَعِزَّةَ أَهۡلِهَآ أَذِلَّةٗۚ وَكَذَٰلِكَ يَفۡعَلُونَ ﴾
[النَّمل: 34]
﴿قالت إن الملوك إذا دخلوا قرية أفسدوها وجعلوا أعزة أهلها أذلة وكذلك﴾ [النَّمل: 34]
Mohammed Marmaduke William Pickthall She said: Lo! kings, when they enter a township, ruin it and make the honour of its people shame. Thus will they do |
Mufti Taqi Usmani She said, “In fact when the kings enter a town, they put it to disorder, and put its honorable citizens to disgrace, and this is how they normally do |
Muhammad Sarwar She said, "When Kings enter a town they destroy it and disrespect its honorable people. That is what they will do, too |