Quran with British translation - Surah Ash-Shura ayat 40 - الشُّوري - Page - Juz 25
﴿وَجَزَٰٓؤُاْ سَيِّئَةٖ سَيِّئَةٞ مِّثۡلُهَاۖ فَمَنۡ عَفَا وَأَصۡلَحَ فَأَجۡرُهُۥ عَلَى ٱللَّهِۚ إِنَّهُۥ لَا يُحِبُّ ٱلظَّٰلِمِينَ ﴾
[الشُّوري: 40]
﴿وجزاء سيئة سيئة مثلها فمن عفا وأصلح فأجره على الله إنه لا﴾ [الشُّوري: 40]
Mohammad Habib Shakir And the recompense of evil is punishment like it, but whoever forgives and amends, he shall have his reward from Allah; surely He does not love the unjust |
Mohammad Shafi And harm may be requited by an equal harm. But, then, the reward of one who forgives and reconciles rests with Allah. He [Allah] does indeed not love wicked persons |
Mohammed Marmaduke William Pickthall The guerdon of an ill-deed is an ill the like thereof. But whosoever pardoneth and amendeth, his wage is the affair of Allah. Lo! He loveth not wrong-doers |
Mufti Taqi Usmani The recompense of evil is evil like it. Then the one who forgives and opts for compromise has his reward undertaken by Allah. Surely, He does not like the unjust |
Muhammad Asad But [remember that an attempt at] requiting evil may, too, become an evil: hence, whoever pardons [his foe] and makes peace, his reward rests with God - for, verily, He does not love evildoers |
Muhammad Mahmoud Ghali And the recompense of an odious deed is an odious deed the like of it; yet whoever is clement and acts righteously, then his reward is up to Allah. Surely He does not love the unjust |
Muhammad Sarwar The recompense for evil will be equivalent to the deed. He who pardons (the evil done to him) and reforms himself, will receive his reward from God. God certainly does not love the unjust |
Muhammad Taqi Usmani The recompense of evil is evil like it. Then the one who forgives and opts for compromise has his reward undertaken by Allah. Surely, He does not like the unjust |
Mustafa Khattab Allah Edition The reward of an evil deed is its equivalent. But whoever pardons and seeks reconciliation, then their reward is with Allah. He certainly does not like the wrongdoers |
Mustafa Khattab God Edition The reward of an evil deed is its equivalent. But whoever pardons and seeks reconciliation, then their reward is with God. He certainly does not like the wrongdoers |
N J Dawood Let evil be requited with like evil. But he that forgives and seeks reconcilement shall be recompensed by God. He does not love the wrongdoers |
Safi Kaskas The retribution for a bad deed is one like it, but whoever forgives and makes peace will have his reward with God. He certainly does not like those who do wrong |