Quran with English translation - Surah Al-Baqarah ayat 45 - البَقَرَة - Page - Juz 1
﴿وَٱسۡتَعِينُواْ بِٱلصَّبۡرِ وَٱلصَّلَوٰةِۚ وَإِنَّهَا لَكَبِيرَةٌ إِلَّا عَلَى ٱلۡخَٰشِعِينَ ﴾
[البَقَرَة: 45]
﴿واستعينوا بالصبر والصلاة وإنها لكبيرة إلا على الخاشعين﴾ [البَقَرَة: 45]
Al Bilal Muhammad Et Al No, seek help with patient-perseverance and prayer. It is indeed hard, except for those who bring a humble spirit |
Ali Bakhtiari Nejad Get help from the patience (and perseverance) and the mandatory prayer, and it is definitely difficult except for those who are humble |
Ali Quli Qarai And take recourse in patience and prayer, and it is indeed hard except for the humble |
Ali Unal Seek help through patience (and fasting, which requires and enables great patience), and through the Prayer. Indeed the Prayer is burdensome, but not for those humbled by their reverence of God |
Hamid S Aziz Seek aid with patience and prayer, though it is a hard thing save for the humble |
John Medows Rodwell And seek help with patience and prayer: a hard duty indeed is this, but not to the humble |
Literal And seek support with the patience and the prayers and that it truly is a great/burden (E) except on the humble |
Mir Anees Original And seek help through patience and worship (salat) and this is certainly difficult except for the humble ones |
Mir Aneesuddin And seek help through patience and worship (salat) and this is certainly difficult except for the humble ones |