Quran with English translation - Surah Saba’ ayat 34 - سَبإ - Page - Juz 22
﴿وَمَآ أَرۡسَلۡنَا فِي قَرۡيَةٖ مِّن نَّذِيرٍ إِلَّا قَالَ مُتۡرَفُوهَآ إِنَّا بِمَآ أُرۡسِلۡتُم بِهِۦ كَٰفِرُونَ ﴾
[سَبإ: 34]
﴿وما أرسلنا في قرية من نذير إلا قال مترفوها إنا بما أرسلتم﴾ [سَبإ: 34]
Al Bilal Muhammad Et Al Never did We send a warner to a population but the elites among them said, “We do not believe in the message with which you have been sent.” |
Ali Bakhtiari Nejad And We did not send any warner in any town, unless its rich (and wealthy) said: indeed we disbelieve in what you are sent with it |
Ali Quli Qarai We did not send a warner to any town without its affluent ones saying, ‘We indeed disbelieve in what you have been sent with.’ |
Ali Unal We never sent a warner to any township but those of its people who had been lost in the pursuit of pleasures without scruples reacted, saying: "Surely we are unbelievers in that with which you have been sent |
Hamid S Aziz And We never sent a Warner to a town but those who led lives in ease in it said, "We are surely disbelievers in what you are sent with |
John Medows Rodwell And never have we sent a warner to any city whose opulent men did not say, "In sooth we disbelieve your message |
Literal And We did not send in a village/urban city from a warner/giver of notice except (that) its luxuriated ungrateful and arrogant said: "That we with what you were sent with it (are) disbelieving |
Mir Anees Original And We did not send a warner to any town, but those who led a luxurious life in it said, “We do not believe in that which you are sent with.” |
Mir Aneesuddin And We did not send a warner to any town, but those who led a luxurious life in it said, “We do not believe in that which you are sent with.” |