Quran with English_Arabic translation - Surah Al-Baqarah ayat 139 - البَقَرَة - Page - Juz 1
﴿قُلۡ أَتُحَآجُّونَنَا فِي ٱللَّهِ وَهُوَ رَبُّنَا وَرَبُّكُمۡ وَلَنَآ أَعۡمَٰلُنَا وَلَكُمۡ أَعۡمَٰلُكُمۡ وَنَحۡنُ لَهُۥ مُخۡلِصُونَ ﴾
[البَقَرَة: 139]
﴿قل أتحاجوننا في الله وهو ربنا وربكم ولنا أعمالنا ولكم أعمالكم ونحن﴾ [البَقَرَة: 139]
Shabbir Ahmed Say (to the Jews and the Christians), "Do you argue with us about God, when He is our Lord and your Lord? We are responsible for our deeds and you are responsible for your deeds. And we are sincere in our Faith in Him |
Syed Vickar Ahamed Say (to them): "Will you dispute with us about Allah, (after) seeing that He is our Lord and your Lord; That we are responsible for our doings and you for yours; And that we are sincere (in our faith) to Him |
Talal A Itani New Translation Say, 'Do you argue with us about God, when He is our Lord and your Lord, and We have our works, and you have your works, and we are sincere to Him |
Talal Itani Say, “Do you argue with us about God, when He is our Lord and your Lord, and We have our works, and you have your works, and we are sincere to Him?” |
Tbirving SAY: "Do you argue with us about God while He is our Lord and your Lord as well? We have our actions while you have your actions, and we are loyal to Him |
The Monotheist Group Edition Say: "Do you debate with us regarding God He is our Lord and your Lord, and we have our work and you have your work, and to Him we are believers |
The Monotheist Group Edition Say: "Do you debate with us regarding God? He is our Lord and your Lord, and we have our works and you have your works, and to Him we are believers |
The Study Quran Say, “Will you dispute with us concerning God, while He is our Lord and your Lord? Unto us our deeds and unto you your deeds, and we are sincere toward Him.” |
Umm Muhammad Say, [O Muhammad], "Do you argue with us about Allah while He is our Lord and your Lord? For us are our deeds, and for you are your deeds. And we are sincere [in deed and intention] to Him |
Wahiduddin Khan Say, "Do you dispute with us about God, while He is our Lord and your Lord? We have our actions and you have your actions. We are devoted to Him alone |
Yusuf Ali Orig Say: Will ye dispute with us about God, seeing that He is our Lord and your Lord; that we are responsible for our doings and ye for yours; and that We are sincere (in our faith) in Him |