Quran with English translation - Surah Adh-Dhariyat ayat 39 - الذَّاريَات - Page - Juz 27
﴿فَتَوَلَّىٰ بِرُكۡنِهِۦ وَقَالَ سَٰحِرٌ أَوۡ مَجۡنُونٞ ﴾
[الذَّاريَات: 39]
﴿فتولى بركنه وقال ساحر أو مجنون﴾ [الذَّاريَات: 39]
Al Bilal Muhammad Et Al But Pharaoh turned back with his advisors and said, “A liar, or one possessed.” |
Ali Quli Qarai But he turned away assured of his might, and said, ‘A magician or a crazy man!’ |
Ali Unal But the Pharaoh turned away (from Our Message), together with his hosts, and said: "(Moses is either) a sorcerer or a madman |
Hamid S Aziz But he turned away with his forces and said, "A sorcerer or a mad man |
Mir Anees Original But he turned away with his force and said, “A magician or one influenced by the jinn.” |