
سورة القمر باللغة الإنجليزية تفسير

ترجمات القرآنباللغة الإنجليزية تفسير ⬅ سورة القمر

ترجمة معاني سورة القمر باللغة الإنجليزية تفسير - Tafsir_English

القرآن باللغة الإنجليزية تفسير - سورة القمر مترجمة إلى اللغة الإنجليزية تفسير، Surah Al Qamar in Tafsir_English. نوفر ترجمة دقيقة سورة القمر باللغة الإنجليزية تفسير - Tafsir_English, الآيات 55 - رقم السورة 54 - الصفحة 528.

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

اقْتَرَبَتِ السَّاعَةُ وَانشَقَّ الْقَمَرُ (1)
The final hour, (that is the Day of Judgment), is drawing near and the moon will be cleft asunder, lose orbit and be disrupted
وَإِن يَرَوْا آيَةً يُعْرِضُوا وَيَقُولُوا سِحْرٌ مُّسْتَمِرٌّ (2)
Yet whenever they see an act of a miraculous nature serving to demonstrate Divine power, and omnipotence, authority and ground for belief, they look upon it as a secret and overmastering influence intended to shake their beliefs and they assert emphatically that such magic as the Messenger enchants them by, is doomed to failure and his hopes will be doomed to disappointment
وَكَذَّبُوا وَاتَّبَعُوا أَهْوَاءَهُمْ ۚ وَكُلُّ أَمْرٍ مُّسْتَقِرٌّ (3)
They denied the truth when it was presented to them and treated the Messenger as one who passes himself off as someone other than he is and they followed their own lustful course and a religion of a sensuous character. But every event has its determined time and place
وَلَقَدْ جَاءَهُم مِّنَ الْأَنبَاءِ مَا فِيهِ مُزْدَجَرٌ (4)
In fact they have received narratives of the fate of those who denied Allah; narratives instructive and informative enough to induce them to reject the path of falsehood and recourse to the path of safety and righteousness
حِكْمَةٌ بَالِغَةٌ ۖ فَمَا تُغْنِ النُّذُرُ (5)
But what good is an utmost wisdom or a wise dispensation providence to people devoid of insight and their hearts' ears are deaf and their minds' eyes are blind
فَتَوَلَّ عَنْهُمْ ۘ يَوْمَ يَدْعُ الدَّاعِ إِلَىٰ شَيْءٍ نُّكُرٍ (6)
Pay no attention to them O Muhammad; there shall come the day of the horrendous Event when the announcer among the angels intimates to them the painful and disturbing news of the unwelcome occurrence of the imminent judicious hearing and judgment
خُشَّعًا أَبْصَارُهُمْ يَخْرُجُونَ مِنَ الْأَجْدَاثِ كَأَنَّهُمْ جَرَادٌ مُّنتَشِرٌ (7)
Incensed by humiliation reflecting their multiplied wrongs, they will emerge from the graves with downcast eyes in throngs like locusts clustering in myriads
مُّهْطِعِينَ إِلَى الدَّاعِ ۖ يَقُولُ الْكَافِرُونَ هَٰذَا يَوْمٌ عَسِرٌ (8)
Responding to the call expeditiously and sensing, as infidels who denied Allah, what awaits them of horror and ghastly dread, they admit: " This is indeed going to be a distressful day
۞ كَذَّبَتْ قَبْلَهُمْ قَوْمُ نُوحٍ فَكَذَّبُوا عَبْدَنَا وَقَالُوا مَجْنُونٌ وَازْدُجِرَ (9)
The people of Nuh (Noah) in earlier times refused to admit the truth of Our message, and renounced Our servant -the Messenger- and accused him of being demoniac and they gave him a lick with the rough sides of their tongues and called him everything they could lay their tongues to
فَدَعَا رَبَّهُ أَنِّي مَغْلُوبٌ فَانتَصِرْ (10)
Nuh made devout and humble supplication to Allah praying His aid: "My Creator", he said, " thus far I have been defeated, and the wickedness of my people may defeat Your cause. My Creator, this is a just cause for ground of action
فَفَتَحْنَا أَبْوَابَ السَّمَاءِ بِمَاءٍ مُّنْهَمِرٍ (11)
We opened the gates of heaven and poured down copious, impetuous and torrential rain sufficient to deluge the world
وَفَجَّرْنَا الْأَرْضَ عُيُونًا فَالْتَقَى الْمَاءُ عَلَىٰ أَمْرٍ قَدْ قُدِرَ (12)
And We made the earth break forth into sudden action and made the water rush violently and copiously forcing springs and passages impetuously through, and the two waters met to accord in one to occasion the event foreordained for those who were wicked
وَحَمَلْنَاهُ عَلَىٰ ذَاتِ أَلْوَاحٍ وَدُسُرٍ (13)
And We carried him Nuh on an ark constructed with planks fittest together and trusted to save him and his crew from shipwreck
تَجْرِي بِأَعْيُنِنَا جَزَاءً لِّمَن كَانَ كُفِرَ (14)
And We kept the ark afloat by Our command, keeping an eye on it and closely observing it with Our blessings to guard them home and reward those within and punish those without
وَلَقَد تَّرَكْنَاهَا آيَةً فَهَلْ مِن مُّدَّكِرٍ (15)
And We left it as a sign serving to convey an intimation; an act of a miraculous nature serving to demonstrate Divine power and omnipotence and so, is there any who will open his heart's ears and his mind's eyes
فَكَيْفَ كَانَ عَذَابِي وَنُذُرِ (16)
And how painful was My punishment imposed on those who counselled deaf to admonition and wasted their lives and refused to acknowledge their Messenger
وَلَقَدْ يَسَّرْنَا الْقُرْآنَ لِلذِّكْرِ فَهَلْ مِن مُّدَّكِرٍ (17)
We made the Quran conducive to ease, facile in discourse, easy to remember and a guide to the path of righteousness, and so, is there any who will open his heart's ears and his mind's eyes
كَذَّبَتْ عَادٌ فَكَيْفَ كَانَ عَذَابِي وَنُذُرِ (18)
So did the people of 'Ad - the 'Adites -; they refused to admit the truth of Our message and they renounced their Messenger. How painful was My punishment on those who counselled deaf to admonition and wasted their lives and refused to acknowledge their Messenger
إِنَّا أَرْسَلْنَا عَلَيْهِمْ رِيحًا صَرْصَرًا فِي يَوْمِ نَحْسٍ مُّسْتَمِرٍّ (19)
We drove against them, on an unlucky and a miserable day, a fierce cold wind swallowing the ground with fierceness and rage, vehement and merciless, roaring for punishing crime
تَنزِعُ النَّاسَ كَأَنَّهُمْ أَعْجَازُ نَخْلٍ مُّنقَعِرٍ (20)
Setting people flying and springing upon the ground with violence, plucking towns out and leaving nothing standing as if they were palm- trees torn up by the roots
فَكَيْفَ كَانَ عَذَابِي وَنُذُرِ (21)
And so, how painful was My punishment imposed on those who counselled deaf to admonition and wasted their lives and refused to acknowledge their Messenger
وَلَقَدْ يَسَّرْنَا الْقُرْآنَ لِلذِّكْرِ فَهَلْ مِن مُّدَّكِرٍ (22)
We made the Quran conducive to ease, facile in discourse, easy to remember and a guide to the path of righteousness; and so is there any who will open his heart's ears and his mind's eyes
كَذَّبَتْ ثَمُودُ بِالنُّذُرِ (23)
And likewise acted -the Thamudites-; they disbelieved their Messenger and they obstinately refused to listen to the warning against impending danger and misfortune
فَقَالُوا أَبَشَرًا مِّنَّا وَاحِدًا نَّتَّبِعُهُ إِنَّا إِذًا لَّفِي ضَلَالٍ وَسُعُرٍ (24)
They said: "Is it in conformity with correct reasoning that one human among us and of human character would be the leader to follow? " We would be indeed at variance with what one approves or regards as right, and we would be of unsound mind
أَأُلْقِيَ الذِّكْرُ عَلَيْهِ مِن بَيْنِنَا بَلْ هُوَ كَذَّابٌ أَشِرٌ (25)
Is he the one man taken by preference out of all of us who are available, to carry the divine message?" " Indeed he is a liar
سَيَعْلَمُونَ غَدًا مَّنِ الْكَذَّابُ الْأَشِرُ (26)
But soon enough shall they know who the liar is
إِنَّا مُرْسِلُو النَّاقَةِ فِتْنَةً لَّهُمْ فَارْتَقِبْهُمْ وَاصْطَبِرْ (27)
We are sending the she -camel as a trial to prove their wickedness". "And so keep them in view in order to observe their action, and have patience
وَنَبِّئْهُمْ أَنَّ الْمَاءَ قِسْمَةٌ بَيْنَهُمْ ۖ كُلُّ شِرْبٍ مُّحْتَضَرٌ (28)
And tell them that the water is to be distributed among their number including the she-camel, and that each share falls to each in turn
فَنَادَوْا صَاحِبَهُمْ فَتَعَاطَىٰ فَعَقَرَ (29)
They called upon the leader whose heart was confederate with his hand; which held the knife and disabled the she-camel by cutting her hamstring muscles
فَكَيْفَ كَانَ عَذَابِي وَنُذُرِ (30)
And how painful was the punishment imposed on those who counselled deaf to admonition and mis-spent their lives and refused to acknowledge their Messenger
إِنَّا أَرْسَلْنَا عَلَيْهِمْ صَيْحَةً وَاحِدَةً فَكَانُوا كَهَشِيمِ الْمُحْتَظِرِ (31)
And how great and direful was the one cry* We sent against them from the realm of heaven that they came to be like the bristly stubbles of grain stalks that are left in the ground
وَلَقَدْ يَسَّرْنَا الْقُرْآنَ لِلذِّكْرِ فَهَلْ مِن مُّدَّكِرٍ (32)
We made the Quran conducive to ease, facile in discourse, easy to remember and a guide to the path of righteousness, and so, is there any who will open his heart's ears and his mind's eyes
كَذَّبَتْ قَوْمُ لُوطٍ بِالنُّذُرِ (33)
Similarly did the people of Lut (Lot); they disbelieved their Messenger and obstinately refused to listen to the warning against impending danger and misfortune for their heinous sin
إِنَّا أَرْسَلْنَا عَلَيْهِمْ حَاصِبًا إِلَّا آلَ لُوطٍ ۖ نَّجَّيْنَاهُم بِسَحَرٍ (34)
Therefore, how violent was the brimstone-charged storm We directed toward them from the realm of heaven to annihilate them, excepting Lut's family whom We delivered at the latter part of the night just before it dawned
نِّعْمَةً مِّنْ عِندِنَا ۚ كَذَٰلِكَ نَجْزِي مَن شَكَرَ (35)
For they -but not his wife- came in My grace, the efficacious grace which effects to the thankful the end for which it is given
وَلَقَدْ أَنذَرَهُم بَطْشَتَنَا فَتَمَارَوْا بِالنُّذُرِ (36)
In effect Lut, earlier, had sincerely warned them of our merciless but just retribution but they doubted his warning and continued their evil practice, lured by some sinister star
وَلَقَدْ رَاوَدُوهُ عَن ضَيْفِهِ فَطَمَسْنَا أَعْيُنَهُمْ فَذُوقُوا عَذَابِي وَنُذُرِ (37)
Even his guests- the two disguised angels- did Lut's people try to take away to seduce and induce them to surrender to their evil sin, hut We blinded their sight and We decreed thus "This day shall they taste My merciless but just retribution for their insolent disregard of My warning
وَلَقَدْ صَبَّحَهُم بُكْرَةً عَذَابٌ مُّسْتَقِرٌّ (38)
And in the morning We wedded them to an irretrievable and foreordained calamity
فَذُوقُوا عَذَابِي وَنُذُرِ (39)
And as foreordained: they tasted My merciless but just retribution for their insolent disregard of My warning
وَلَقَدْ يَسَّرْنَا الْقُرْآنَ لِلذِّكْرِ فَهَلْ مِن مُّدَّكِرٍ (40)
We made the Quran conducive to ease, facile in discourse, easy to remember and a guide to the path of righteousness; and so, is there any who will open his heart's ears and his mind's eyes
وَلَقَدْ جَاءَ آلَ فِرْعَوْنَ النُّذُرُ (41)
Also, the people of Pharaoh received their Messengers -Mussa (Moses) and Haron (Aaron) but they met them with disrespect and resistance and they refused to listen to the warning against impending danger and misfortune
كَذَّبُوا بِآيَاتِنَا كُلِّهَا فَأَخَذْنَاهُمْ أَخْذَ عَزِيزٍ مُّقْتَدِرٍ (42)
And they ignored all acts of miraculous nature serving to demonstrate Divine power and authority, and so We seized them with such disasters as would be expected only from an Azizun (Almighty) and Moqtadirun (Omnipotent)
أَكُفَّارُكُمْ خَيْرٌ مِّنْ أُولَٰئِكُمْ أَمْ لَكُم بَرَاءَةٌ فِي الزُّبُرِ (43)
Are you pagans -you Meccans- a people of a better sort than those, just mentioned, whose pride got the better of their prudence? Or do you, pagans, have assurances in some sacred Book that you are granted immunity and freedom from a liability to which the others are subjected to
أَمْ يَقُولُونَ نَحْنُ جَمِيعٌ مُّنتَصِرٌ (44)
Or do they -the pagans- say: "we are a society that holds together and therefore we are in a position to overcome any adversity and to triumph over misfortune
سَيُهْزَمُ الْجَمْعُ وَيُوَلُّونَ الدُّبُرَ (45)
This host of multitudinous Pagans and idolaters shall be beaten off and put to rout
بَلِ السَّاعَةُ مَوْعِدُهُمْ وَالسَّاعَةُ أَدْهَىٰ وَأَمَرُّ (46)
Further, there awaits them the foreordained unfortunate Hour when they come to judgment and indeed worse and worse, painful and grievous, is that predetermined Hour
إِنَّ الْمُجْرِمِينَ فِي ضَلَالٍ وَسُعُرٍ (47)
In effect the wicked, given to sin, are embodied with bewildered souls and unsound minds
يَوْمَ يُسْحَبُونَ فِي النَّارِ عَلَىٰ وُجُوهِهِمْ ذُوقُوا مَسَّ سَقَرَ (48)
There shall come the Day when they are dragged on their faces and be told: " Now, feel the unbearable sensation coming over your bodies by being cast into Hell fire
إِنَّا كُلَّ شَيْءٍ خَلَقْنَاهُ بِقَدَرٍ (49)
Nothing do We create casually; but everything, spiritual, animate and inanimate We create according to plan indicating the relations of objects to one another, times and places of intended doings and actions, proportions and measures, disposition of parts, designs, arrangements, limitations and consequence, all in one single act
وَمَا أَمْرُنَا إِلَّا وَاحِدَةٌ كَلَمْحٍ بِالْبَصَرِ (50)
Thus, Our command to bring into being anything, spiritual animate or inanimate, or to bring into effect any proceedings is but a single act executed instantaneously, like the twinkle of an eye
وَلَقَدْ أَهْلَكْنَا أَشْيَاعَكُمْ فَهَلْ مِن مُّدَّكِرٍ (51)
So, pause you people to think of what We did to your ancestors and to people of your sort who denied their Messengers and treated them as one who passes himself off as someone other than he is; and so, is there any who will open his heart's ears and his mind's eyes
وَكُلُّ شَيْءٍ فَعَلُوهُ فِي الزُّبُرِ (52)
And you ought to know that every act, worthy or worthless, good or evil, in the very doing or the point of doing, is set down in writing in the book of Records which the guardian angels keep
وَكُلُّ صَغِيرٍ وَكَبِيرٍ مُّسْتَطَرٌ (53)
Also every act, trivial and insignificant or significant and expressive of something, is related in writing and put on record
إِنَّ الْمُتَّقِينَ فِي جَنَّاتٍ وَنَهَرٍ (54)
Those who regard Allah with breasts filled with piety and entertain the profound reverence dutiful to Him, shall be welcomed into gardens beneath which rivers flow
فِي مَقْعَدِ صِدْقٍ عِندَ مَلِيكٍ مُّقْتَدِرٍ (55)
Gardens in the beatitude of heavens realm, in the presence of Allah wherein they enjoy the conviviality and Divine liberality and good will of A Malikin (Sovereign) Who is Moqtadir (Omnipresent), Omniscient and Omnipotent
❮ السورة السابقة السورة التـالية ❯

قراءة المزيد من سور القرآن الكريم :

1- الفاتحة2- البقرة3- آل عمران
4- النساء5- المائدة6- الأنعام
7- الأعراف8- الأنفال9- التوبة
10- يونس11- هود12- يوسف
13- الرعد14- إبراهيم15- الحجر
16- النحل17- الإسراء18- الكهف
19- مريم20- طه21- الأنبياء
22- الحج23- المؤمنون24- النور
25- الفرقان26- الشعراء27- النمل
28- القصص29- العنكبوت30- الروم
31- لقمان32- السجدة33- الأحزاب
34- سبأ35- فاطر36- يس
37- الصافات38- ص39- الزمر
40- غافر41- فصلت42- الشورى
43- الزخرف44- الدخان45- الجاثية
46- الأحقاف47- محمد48- الفتح
49- الحجرات50- ق51- الذاريات
52- الطور53- النجم54- القمر
55- الرحمن56- الواقعة57- الحديد
58- المجادلة59- الحشر60- الممتحنة
61- الصف62- الجمعة63- المنافقون
64- التغابن65- الطلاق66- التحريم
67- الملك68- القلم69- الحاقة
70- المعارج71- نوح72- الجن
73- المزمل74- المدثر75- القيامة
76- الإنسان77- المرسلات78- النبأ
79- النازعات80- عبس81- التكوير
82- الإنفطار83- المطففين84- الانشقاق
85- البروج86- الطارق87- الأعلى
88- الغاشية89- الفجر90- البلد
91- الشمس92- الليل93- الضحى
94- الشرح95- التين96- العلق
97- القدر98- البينة99- الزلزلة
100- العاديات101- القارعة102- التكاثر
103- العصر104- الهمزة105- الفيل
106- قريش107- الماعون108- الكوثر
109- الكافرون110- النصر111- المسد
112- الإخلاص113- الفلق114- الناس